One of the things I truly love about the era we’re living in is that we have readily available memes, gifs, TikTok/Instagram videos that capture the concept of “cringe”. It’s a word that when you read it or say it, most people have some sort of bodily reaction – your face twitches, your shoulders shudder. Most certainly you are triggered and think UGH!

The New York Times considered in a meta sort of way, what will we be cringing about 20-30 years from now when we look back at our present? They asked more than 30 people from academia, fashion, media, the arts and business to weigh in including Agape Match’s very own Maria Avgitidis. Here is what she had to say about future cringe:

“We will cringe at the thought of how we swiped away our soul mates.”


What is your future cringe prediction?


To read the whole article, click here.